Access, Use & Reuse

  • Tips & Checklists



    • Are the data potentiallz can be used by others within or outside the project?
    • Are there reasons not to release the data in principle (e.g., data protection, confidentiality, etc.)?
    • Is there an obligation to release the data (e.g., by a funding organization)?
    • Which institutions or groups are likely to be interested in the data?
    • What is the procedure to obtain access to the data?
    • Are the data searchable or discoverable in a research system/data catalog?
    • How will the data be published or made known?
    • What are the intended or foreseeable uses of the data? What services/programs are typically used with the data?
    • Is there a right of initial use by the data creator? When can others access the data or metadata (embargo periods)?
    • Are there any data usage restrictions or license terms?
    • Will there be fees associated with access?
    • How will access conditions be enforced and technically implemented? Who holds responsibility for enforcement?

    [Ludwig, Jens; Enke, Harry (Eds.) (2013): Guide to Research Data Management. Guidelines from the WissGrid Project. Glückstadt: VWH Verlag Werner Hülsbusch Publishing House for Media Technology and Economics, pp. 91 f.]